Friday, July 14, 2017

Tips for Summer Eating on a Budget

It’s time to take advantage of summer produce while it is bountiful and cheap. Making use of one vegetable in different meals lets you not only be able to buy in bulk, but also helps you save some money. You can even make a larger batch of something like my jambalaya and turn it into burritos for lunch the next day (Just some food for thought!)

Eating in Season Is Budget-Friendly. Buying produce that’s in season is not only tastier, but usually cheaper! Summer vegetables can be cooked quickly and used in an incredible array of dishes.


Use One Ingredient Many Ways. Try to think in terms of a whole week of meals when buying groceries and buy foods that can be used in multiple ways. This way, you can be efficient with your shopping and planning. One week you may spend more at the grocery store as you fill up your pantry with spices and dry goods, but the next week you’ll make up for it by buying less.

Round out Your Week with Snacks! Don’t forget about snacks. If you have the flexibility in your budget, buy a tub of yogurt (the single cups are more expensive!) and bananas for breakfasts and quick snacks. And don’t let your house be without popcorn kernels! Make popcorn on the stovetop, or pop them in a paper bag in the microwave. A satisfying crunchy snack is yours for pennies. Raw fruits and vegetables make great snacks as well, and it are a HEALTHY alternative!

TURN THE OVEN OFF! Not only will this keep your apartment much cooler, you can shave some very precious dollars off your electric bill! Try these “No Cook” Recipes!

Here are some great and budget friendly vegan and vegetarian recipes as well!

Try making recipes that MULTIPLE PORTIONS, because leftovers are always good. Here are some recipes for some yummy casseroles:

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